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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Radiation Burn Treatment with Blue Yarrow Oil

Yarrow's high azulen content (which gives it its powerful anti-inflammatory action) is even higher than German Chamomile! Azulen also gives Yarrow anti-infectious properties for treating infections.

Yarrow's astringent and regulating properties make it helpful for balancing oily skin, hair and scalp condtions.

Yarrow is useful for hair and skin care and stimulates "new" hair growth. Add to your favorite shampoo for promoting a healthy scalp and to strengthen the hair shaft. Effective treatment for split ends!

Properties in Yarrow make it useful for calming inflamed skin.

Blend Blue Yarrow with Basil to treat acne, or alone to relieve skin rashes and an assortment of skin irritations, including eczema, psoriasis and seborrhea.

REMEMBER TO DILUTE: Always dilute pure essential oils for skin application. The general guideline for an adult is 15 drops of pure essential oil in an ounce of the carrier of your choice like pure jojoba oil, or pure fresh water if using as an aromatic mist!

All the blue oils (Yarrow, Blue Tansy and Chamomile) help to relieve burns associated with radiation treatment for cancer.

RADIATION BURN TREATMENT Aromatic Mist: Fill a 2 oz atomizer colored glass bottle with pure, fresh water. Add 2-8 drops each of pure essential oil of Yarrow, Blue Tansy and German (True) Chamomile. Allow this mixture to synergize for a minimum of 2-3 hours. Shake and spray a very light mist across the radiation burn area. Allow the skin to dry thoroughly before covering. Repeat misting burn areas 3-4 times each day, or as needed for pain relief and to speed healing of skin cell tissue!

Experiment with using a minimal amount of pure essential oil to begin with, slowly adding more oil until you reach the exact dilution amount that's right for you!

OPTIONAL: Add 2-7 drops of pure Helichrysum oil to your atomizer misting bottle to enhance the basic radiation burn treatment formula.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.