Hospitals Offering Mobile Mammography to Make Breast Screening More Convenient
Even with all the information about breast cancer awareness, self-exams and breast cancer statistics available, many women still choose to put off having a mammography and even doing self-exams. They give a variety of excuses including, “no time”, “no family history” or “lack of convenience” with having to travel to a hospital for a mammography. Fortunately hospitals are beginning to combat these excuses by incorporating a mobile mammography unit into the services that they offer to the community.
The mobile mammography has shown great success and community support in the areas that currently have the service. It was originally thought that it would be a service for the underserved such as those without transportation, insurance or low income families. However, it has become successful in other arenas as well, such as among working women or women with children that state that they don’t have the time to take off work or be away from their children to go get a mammography. Some businesses are even working with the hospitals to have the mobile mammography come to their organization as a health benefit program for their employees.
Contact your local hospital to see if they have a similar service. If they don’t, talk to them about the benefits. It is also important that you make time to go to the hospital to have a mammography and perform a monthly self-exam. Susan G. Komen for the Cure recommends that beginning by age 20, women should be doing a monthly breast self-examination. You can find information on how to do a monthly breast self-examination online. Early detection is imperative in the fight against breast cancer. Don’t make any more excuses: your health and your life are more important than any excuse you can make.
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