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Thursday, October 25, 2007

How To Prevent Breast Cancer By Diet – Eat Soya

In this article, you will discover:

* What is soya?
* Why is soya vital in the prevent breast cancer diet?

What Is Soya?

Soya (soy) is a pulse; it contains healthy amino acids and is a high quality source of protein.

Soya is an important ingredient in Asian cuisine; this may be one reason why certain cancers are less in Asian countries compare to western countries.

Soya contains many beneficial health compounds such as isoflavones.

One particular isoflavone is genistein, this helps to protect against different forms of cancers.

Why Is Soya Vital In The Prevent Breast Cancer Diet?

Genistein can help to slow down and stop the growth of cancer cells.

Various studies have shown that people who consume large amounts of soya products within their diets, results in them having higher levels of genistein within their blood.

This can help to protect and slow down the growth of:

* Breast Cancer
* Prostate Cancer
* Colon Cancer
* Leukaemia

In Asian countries such as Japan, where the consumption of soya products is generally higher than western countries, there is a lower incidence of breast cancer.

So, to sum up...

Soya is a vital part in the prevent breast cancer diet because studies have shown that Soya can help to protect against cancer, especially breast cancer.

In Asian countries such as Japan, where soya products are part of the staple diet, there is a lower incidence of breast cancer compared to western countries.

This is believed to be due to the beneficial isoflavones within soya, especially genistein.

If you want to consume soya to protect yourself against breast cancer, it is best to include soya products, such as tofu, within your diet.

Scientists believe that consuming soya products will give you more protection against cancer, compared to just supplementing your diet with isoflavones supplements.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stewart_Hare