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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Prevent Ductal Breast Cancer By Regularly "Draining" Or "Pumping" A Women's Breast Ducts

My wife's bout with ductal breast cancer led me to theorize that this epidemic may have a simple common denominator and that some simple oversight in the general population could be a contributing factor.

A plastic surgeon had removed fluid buildup from her ducts months AFTER her surgery. I wondered if its possible that this accumulation of fluid is the cause of many of these types of cancers and if a plan to regularly DRAIN these ducts could prevent ductal cancer. It is the same idea as toxic materials in the colon being a possible cause for colon cancer and another application of the addage that "CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS". It is easy to grasp that just keeping all of our "plumbing" clean could contribute to avoiding many illnesses.

I also found out that this is not such a far fetched proposition. I had read that Dr. Susan Love was an advocate of giving chemotherapy right into a women's ducts as a treatment for ductal cancer. But this is again after the fact and I believe that the PRIORITY should be prevention. I also learned that there is a procedure called "LAVAGE" where fluid from the ducts is tested for early signes of cancer but that this is a rarely used procedure and is not yet suggested as a possible part of a system of regular maintenance.

It seems logical to extend these protocols to their next level and investigate a program of maintenance involving the REGULAR draining and pumping of the fluid from a women's breast ducts could help to prevent ductal breast cancer.