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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Plastic Surgery Breast Enhancement

Plastic surgery breast enhancement was done on 212,500 women in the year of 2000. Breast surgery is the fourth most popular procedure done on women with the exception of cosmetic surgery. This information has been provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith. Even though surgery is meant for the good of women who want larger breast, there are many who have suffered and have had bad side effects from breast enlargement surgeries.

Also remember this!

In 1992 the FDA put a banned on silicone gel implants.

Another thing for women to remember is, you will be denied health coverage if you have had a ruptured breast implant.

Silicone implants are a lot better product than Saline filled implants, because Saline implants are more likely to leak, which leads to corrective surgery and replacements. Not to mention, you will have to spend more money to have surgery done again.

Dr. Lori Brown says: "That the incidence of implants rupture are a lot higher than most people suspected." Dr. Brown is a member of the FDA "Food and Drug Administration."

Women with implants have a chance of getting cancer. Studies have shown that there is a 21% chance of women with breast implants to get cancer. This is compared to women of the same age group.

More than 8,000 women have died as a result of having breast implant surgery. This includes silicone and saline breast implant surgeries. Women who have breast implants have a much higher chance dying from pneumonia, cancer, and emphysema. The studies were based on death certificates and medical records provided by the National Cancer Institute of Boston University. ABT Associates,and the FDA.

There is a safer way for women to enhance their breast with out the dangers of plastic surgery breast enhancement. Breast Actives is a all natural breast enlargement supplement with no side effects. Breast Actives are made from herbs that helps women enlarge their breast naturally without the risk of plastic surgery breast enhancement.