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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Eat as many fruits and vegetables and prevent breast cancer

To get rid of the breast cancer, we should be health conscious, knowing all the do's and don'ts in our health is really a good help. Given below are the steps in getting rid of this kind of disease.

· Healthy body weight maintenance, your body mass index (BMI) should be less than 25 all through your life. The independency of the body mass index has been shown importantly in increasing the risk of breast cancer. And in addition to this, the elevated BMI has been certain to increase the post menopausal breast cancer risk.

· Reduce or avoid alcohol. The use of alcohol is the most well determined risk of dietary factor for breast cancer. It is said in the research that if you consume more than one alcoholic beverage a day, the risk of breast cancer may increase by as much as 20 - 25%.

· Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Eating 7 or more servings daily is a good habit. Bear in mind that the cruciferous vegetables are the best cancer protection, this vegetables includes broccoli, cabbage, sprouted Brussels, cauliflower. And also the dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, collards. And as well as the tomatoes and carrots. The fruit includes berries, cherries, and citrus. And take note that it is best to eat the cruciferous vegetables lightly cooked or raw, because some of the phytochemicals that are believed to offer protection against breast cancers are heat destroyed.

· Exercise regularly. Regular exercise is the best key that provides protection that is a powerful protection against breast cancer. A 30 minute or more average aerobic activity for 5 or more days a week is a good thing to do. The consistency and the duration are the key, not the intensity.

· Right Fat diet. Your diet fat type can affect your risk of breast cancer. Reduce your consumption of the mega 6 fats, such as corn, sunflower, cottonseed oils and safflowers. Also the saturated fats and the Trans fats. But put in mind that taking in more of the omega 3 fats especially those from the oily fishes like salmon, tuna mackerel, sardines and lake trout is good. Also, consume a monounsaturated oils like the canola, olive oil, nuts/ seeds and avocados, and let these be your source of primary fat because these types of foods has a potential properties of anti-cancer. The good source of omega 3 fats is the canola oil, a potent source of antioxidant polyphenols that includes squalene is the extra olive oil. Also, nuts and seeds provide you with the selenium, the cancer protective mineral.

· Right carb intake, lessen your consumption of the high glycemic index or the great white hazards, these are the white flour, white potatoes, white rice, sugar and of the other products containing such. These foods can trigger a hormonal change that promotes cellular breasts tissues' growth. Instead, replace this wrong carbohydrates with beans/legumes and whole grains. This is because of the high fiber that the beans/legumes give the body.

· Eat whole soya food products often such as tofu, roasted soy nuts, soy milk and miso, because these reduce the risk of breast cancer.

E. Carla d.G. Mangila

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erlinda_Carla_B._De_Guzman-Mangila

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