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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How Do You Protect Yourself From Breast Cancer

Human breast cancer can be traced from the reproductive history. Studies have severally showed that early age of first full-term pregnancy is a strong protective factor against breast cancer and it provides a physiologically operative model to achieve a practical mode of prevention.

Sun as a matter of fact scares many people but women who stays out of the sun are increasing their risk of developing breast cancer. Most food like milk, eggs, fortified margarines, oily fish and green vegetables contains vitamin D but a significant part of the vitamin D the body need is manufactured in the skin by exposure to sunlight. If this should be the case, you as a woman should be fearless of the sun and try to expose your body to the sun.

Breast cancer is not common among women that lives closer to the Equator ther the sin is much stronger. Findings of decreased in cancer risk with improved vitamin D status are consistent with a large and still growing body of observational data showing that cancer risk is inversely associated with solar exposure, or vitamin D status.

Breastfeeding also may offer broad protection against breast cancer that extends to women who delay having children Giving birth before age 25 and having many children protects against certain types of breast cancers, while delayed childbirth is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer. Since most women choose to delay pregnancy until after 25, it is important to note that breastfeeding provides protection against progesterone receptor positive and negative tumors.

To protect yourself from breast cancer, stay under the sunlight more than any other place or eat most of the food that contains vitamin D, try to use most of the fertility pills and also breast feed your baby if you are still under the age of child bearing.