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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Breast Cancer Facts - You Should Know the Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Facts
Breast cancer is malignant cells formed in the tissues of the breast. The disease is predominantly found in women, and is much more aggressive in younger women, but it can also be found in men too. The disease is different from woman to woman and age to age, which is considered a heterogeneous disease.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer
A number of conditions, other than breast cancer, can cause a change in size or feel of your breast. Fibrocystic changes, cysts, fibroadenomas, infection or injury are possible causes of non-cancerous (benign) breast changes, but more commonly, changes in breast tissue happen naturally during pregnancy and your menstrual cycle. Symptoms include:

* Redness or pitting of the skin over your breast, like the skin of an orange
* A spontaneous clear or bloody discharge from your nipple, often associated with a breast lump
* A change in the size or contours of your breast
* Any flattening or indentation of the skin over your breast
* Retraction or indentation of your nipple

Generally, early breast cancer does not cause pain, and often breast lumps aren't cancerous, but the most common sign of breast cancer, for both men and women, is usually a thickening or lump in the breast.

Some Risk Factors Associated with Breast Cancer
The exact causes of breast cancer are unclear, but we know the main risk factors. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast cancer. Generally, women over 50 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women, and African-American women are more likely than Caucasians to get breast cancer before menopause. Early onset of menstruation, before 12 years of age, as well as late menopause, after age 55, increase risk. Many studies have shown that women whose diets are high in fat are more likely to get the disease. Alcohol consumption in quantities more than two drinks daily increases risk.

Preventative Measures
Men and women can reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by reducing the amount of fat in their diets. They can also limit the amount of alcohol they consume. Studies are showing that the nutrient Resveratrol, may play a factor in preventing breast cancer. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant, can be found in in the skins of red grapes, red wine, and red or purple grape juice. Since red wine is a dietary source of Resveratrol and is an alcoholic beverage, a dietary supplement with Resveratrol is a better choice.

Genesis, a good supplement choice by Symmetry Direct, contains in just one serving the amount of Resveratrol equivalent to one bottle of wine. You can find Genesis at http://www.symmetrydirectgenesis.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sara_J._Banks

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Persistence and Determination Made Her Survive Breast Cancer

Az-M380 is a 52-year-old female from Indonesia. About seven years ago (in 2001) she detected a lump in her left breast. She refused medical treatment and opted for jamu instead. This treatment with the local Indonesian herbs was not effective. By 2003, the lump grew bigger. Az underwent a mastectomy in a private hospital in Medan. This was followed by six cycles of chemotherapy. No radiotherapy was indicated. She took tamoxifen for a year and then gave it up.

Barely three years later (in 2006) there was a swelling on her left neck. Az did not seek further medical help. She went to see a sinseh (Chinese physician) instead and was on his treatment for six months. The treatment was not effective.

Az went to Bogor, Java, and was treated by another alternative practitioner for six months. This treatment too was not effective. Az had a new swelling in her arm pit. Her left arm became swollen. There was also a small lump in her right breast. An X-ray done in October 2007 indicated the cancer had spread to her bones.

Not wanting to give up alternative treatments, Az again went to Sukabumi, in Java, and received treatment from an alternative practitioner. She was given herbal extract through infusion and also took some herbal drink. This treatment required that she stay in Jakarta for the entire duration of her treatment.

Az told us that she refused to seek further medical treatment because the doctor wanted her to undergo chemotherapy again. She was not willing to receive anymore chemotherapy due to the side effects.

Az heard about us and decided to fly to Penang to seek our help on 6 June 2008. She presented with the following:

1) She had pulling pains at the left collarbone area. This area was also swollen.

2) Her left breast was also swollen.

3) She had pains in her right thigh.

Az was prescribed Caspsule A, Breast L Tea, Breast M Tea, Bone Tea, Pain Tea and Upper Edema Tea.
After five days on these herbs, Az and her husband reported the following:

1) She started taking the herbs on Friday evening. The next two days - Saturday and Sunday, she suffered the most severe pains in her entire life. She thought she would die and requested her husband to bring her home to Medan.

2) Az persisted in taking the herbs. The pains subsided and after five days, 80% of the pains were gone. The pulling pains in the collarbone which she suffered earlier were also gone.

3) Her swollen left arm became softer.

4) There was less pain in her right thigh.

Az continued to take the herbs and returned to Medan. A month later, 6 July 2008, Az came back and reported the following progress:

1) Generally there was much less pains.

2) The swelling of the left arm was about 70% gone and on some days it was not swollen at all.

3) The swelling in her left collarbone seemed to be smaller and softer.

The results of her blood test done on 9 June 2008 were: ESR = 46 High, RBC = 4.3, Haemoglobin = 13.2, Platelet = 204, WBC = 6.6 and CA 15.3 = 15.2

The liver function test done on 7 July 2008 showed: Albumin = 42, Alkaline phosphatase = 81,
AST = 113 High, ALT = 96 High, GGT = 37 High. In view of the elevated liver function values, Az was prescribed additional herbs for her liver.


There are many things we can learn from this story.

1. Does surgery and chemotherapy cure breast cancer? The answer is NO. Barely three years after the treatment the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes at the collarbone region. (Caution - since no biopsy was done to confirm this, we can only assume that the cancer had spread).

2. Az did not want to see her doctor anymore. If she were to see her doctor, what do you think the doctor would do to her? Answer: More chemotherapy - what else? The big question is: What do you think would have happened to Az after more chemotherapy? This is a million dollar question! Would Az be still alive today? No one can say for sure.

Let me quote what Amy Soscia, a breast cancer patient said: "There is no cure for metastatic breast cancer. It never goes away. You just move from treatment to treatment".

An Oxford University professor, Michael Gearin-Tosch was diagnosed with cancer. The oncologist told him: "No cure. But we have treatment". Professor Tosch wondered: "Why treat if you cannot cure?" He did not see the logic of it all and declined chemotherapy and lived to write a book, Living Proof.

Professor Tosch also recalled the experiences of his friend Rosemary and many others like her. They were "never told what would happen. They had ghastly treatments. Then more ghastly treatments. And in the end? The hospital turns around: Nothing more we can do for you. Go home and die". (Living proof, pg. 31, 32).

3. It is indeed unfortunate that Az liver function has deteriorated. What do you think is the reason? Is it due to the cancer per se or the treatment that she had received earlier? Does any want dare to ask if the six cycles of chemotherapy and/or the tamoxifen that she had earlier, had contributed to this deterioration? No one dare to ask or ever bother to want to know! And most often the finger is pointed to the taking of herbs or supplements.

4. Az was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was forty-five years old. It has been more than seven years now and she is still alive. I have come across many patients who died two, three or four years after their diagnosis, in spite of the fact that they had undergone the best medical treatments. I told Az and her husband: "Let us all be grateful that Az is still alive - in spite of failures of alternative therapies!" From here, we hope to be able to help Az live a little more longer.

5. Az suffered a healing crisis after taking the herbs. Many patients would have cursed Chris Teo for this suffering. Patients should learn from Az's experience. Below are excerpts of our conversation about the healing crisis that Az had gone through. This was recorded on 11 June 2008, five days after she started taking the herbs.

Chris: Did you take the herbs after seeing me last Friday?

Az: Yes - for five days now. Oh, I suffered so much pain after I started taking the herbs.

Husband: Since 2001 up to this day, my wife suffered the most severe pain in her entire life during the past few days.

Az: The pains were so severe that I was not able to sleep.

Husband: I too was unable to sleep because of that. She was so restless - moved here and there. She had to put her hands against the wall and she wanted me to bring her home to Medan that very night.

Az: I told my husband that I might die here that night.

Chris: Very good, very good. If you take the herbs and you did not suffer such "healing crisis" then the herbs are not doing anything to you. They are not effective! So I am glad to hear this! Good for you. Okay, tell us what happened. On the first day, did you suffer any pain?

Az: On the first day - a few hours after I took the herbs, I started to feel the pains. Then the pains continued to the second day. On the third day the pains were just as severe. But on the fourth day the pains was less.

Chris: Good. After taking the herbs, generally you would suffer pains. These pains become more severe. Then after a few days, the pains gradually decrease. So, tell us when was the most painful experience after taking the herbs?

Az: I took the herbs on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday the pains were really severe. By Monday the pains had decreased.

Husband: The pains started in the left collarbone area, than they moved down to the left breast and then the whole left arm. We could not even touch her arm. It was so painful.

Az: I really do not know how to describe such pains.

Chris: While suffering such pains, did you ever feel of wanting to throw away the herbs and give up? You have lost confidence in the herbs?

Az: No! I told my husband that this could be the reaction from the herbs. I would continue taking the herbs.

Chris: Did you stop taking the herbs during those five days?

Az: No, I continued taking them.

Husband: I told her. Continue taking the herbs. Believe in the herbs! We have been to so many other alternative healers and we believe that the "real" doctor is here.

Chris: (Checking through her medical history). Oh, you have gone to so many alternative healers before. Let me ask you - after receiving their treatments, did you ever experience such pains or healing crisis like you had just experienced in the past few days?

Az and husband: No, no - never!

Husband: As I have said earlier, since 2001 - when she first had this problem, she had never suffered such severe pains before. The pains on that Friday night were the start of the Mother of All Pains.

Az: I had never suffered such pains before.

Chris: Most patients would have given up or stop taking the herbs after such pains.

Az and Husband: No, no, we did not do that.

Chris: Yes, I would predict that such reaction would happen to you. Today is the fifth day - have the pains become much less?

Az: Yes, very much less. If Friday was a 100 point, today it is only 20 points.

Chris: I am predicting that in the next few days you would be much better and you will suffer much less pains.

Husband: Tomorrow we plan to return to Medan.

Chris: Okay, after all that experience, do you still believe in the herbs?

Az: Yes!

For more information about complementary cancer therapy visit: http://www.cacare.com, http://www.BookOnCancer.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Teo,_Ph.D.

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Breast Cancer - Signs and Treatment

Frequently asked questions about breast cancer are the following: What age does a breast cancer be diagnosed to woman? What are the signs and symptoms of it? Can it be treated?

Breast cancer is one of the leading cancers that strikes women aside form cervix cancer. This is not frequently diagnosed to women aged 29 and below. It usually women aged 35 above that shows signs of breast cancer. Most of the time cancer like this almost had no symptoms. There is a high percentage that a woman can have breast cancer in the future, if she belongs to a family that has a history of cancer, especially from the first degree like her mother or aunt, sister or first cousins.

The possibilities of malignancy is very high for women who have been diagnosed on her other breast or if her family has a history of this kind. Or woman who already had breast cancer. If your suspecting that you may have breast cancer, you must see these signs and findings:

* If you can feel any lump in your breast that is unclear of the shape and it seems like a small crab size.
* If you can feel any lump in your armpits.
* If there are changes in the appearance of your nipple.
* If your breast is swollen and your skin look like orange skin.

Physical examination of the breast is one way to find breast cancer. But even if you have one or more of these signs, it still doesn't mean you have breast cancer. Remember that most breast lumps turn out to be benign (not cancerous). So no need to worry so the best thing you can do right now is to see a doctor

Now, if the breast cancer is in the advance stage the moment it was diagnosed. A combination of operation and radiation is needed. Radiation therapy is use to kill those cancer cells that may still be left in the body after an operation.

This is written by Ivy Cruz a mother of two wonderful kids and a loving wife to her husband

You can check all her works at http://www.informationonhealth.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ivy_Cruz

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Breast Cancer,Tamoxifen and Hair Loss "One Woman's Solution!"

On what should have been a beautiful late spring day two years ago, soon turned into tragedy for two women (Helen and Denise) in their early 40's when they both were diagnosed with invasive-
hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer.They were very much alike, these two women. Both were happily married. Both had three children and both held down full time jobs. They were two bright and ambitious women who without realizing it, entered into a bond on that numbing, spring afternoon.

Both underwent several lymph node removals and a lumpectomy. Both endured the effects of 6 weeks of radiation therapy. Neither had to endure the grueling effects of chemotherapy. Both were determined to beat this monster that had invaded their bodies. Both bonded as close friends and when the feelings of hopelessness began to creep into their thoughts they had each other as confidants to lift up their spirits. They stood together, without ever having to alarm their families of their inner fears that their cancer would return.

With the conclusion of their treatments they both resumed their everyday routines and tried to reclaim a sense of normalcy back into their lives. They both were prescribed Tamoxifen for the next five years. Tamoxifen is very effective in preventing reoccurrence in invasive hormone-receptor-positive breast
cancer. Unknown to Denise, she was not yet finished with the challenges that this demon called cancer forced her to face.

Although, Tamoxifen does have some side effects it is relatively safe and thousands upon thousands of women take it daily without experiencing any side effects at all. Helen scarcely noticed any changes while taking the drug. She returned to work part-time at first, but quickly resumed her role as wife, mother and full time employee. One would scarcely believe that she had ever undergone cancer treatments and she glowed once again with signs of good health.

Denise on the other hand didn't fair quite as well. She noticed immediately that her hair was starting to fall out. Sometimes averaging 200 strands a day. After two weeks of being on Tamoxifen and experiencing this rapid hair loss she was seriously considering discontinuing its use. The radiation therapy that was used to spare her life had left her tired and listless. Tamoxifen that was used to prevent the cancer from returning, was thinning her hair and most of all destroying her self esteem.

She researched the prescription medication Rogaine, but found the chemical name (minoxidil) had side effects as well. Rogaine was also very expensive and time consuming. She had contemplated ovary removal. Her reasoning being, she was positive that her family was complete. She quickly dismissed that thought not wanting to undergo anymore surgeries.

She then looked into Aromasin an FDA approved aromatase inhibitor. Aromasin was given to women with early stage disease, but who had already undergone 2 to 3 years of Tamoxifen. The next inhibitor that she looked into was Femara. Although, FDA approved for early stage breast cancer she needed to have completed 5 years of Tamoxifen. The third inhibitor was called Ariminex. This is given to patients with early stage disease and directly after surgery. After discussing this with her Doctor, she immediately switched from Tamoxifen to Ariminex.

Hair loss was the primary reason Denise switched from Tamoxifen to Ariminex. She had no other side effects with this drug, but as vanity would have it she just didn't want to become bald. After taking Ariminex for just under four months she realized that she had traded one cosmetic side effect for another that was physical. Denise was still experiencing slight hair loss, but was now suffering from excruciating joint pain.

Her Doctor explained that by taking Tamoxifen, her continuing hair loss just might have been caused by the drug giving her a nudge into menopause. Women who enter menopause, because of the lower estrogen sometime experience hair loss. He also explained that everyone's tolerance was different for these drugs and he could prescribe Femara for her instead of Ariminex. By this time Denise was taking extended release Tramadol for joint pain and felt exhausted and defeated. She was still not capable of returning to work, even though it had been almost a year since she had been first diagnosed with breast cancer.

Financially Denise and her family were barely making ends meet. Without her much needed paycheck, the household bills were accumulating. Her once vibrant marriage was suffering and the talk of their separation was only silenced by the tears in their children's eyes. In one year everything she and her family had worked for appeared ready to come crashing down!

Denise was still contemplating whether she should begin taking Femara or stop taking all drugs altogether.

That morning she received a phone call that would change her life. It was Helen. Her confidant through the worst of times had called to find out how she was doing. It wasn't long before Denise's emotions came spilling out. Through tears and laughter Helen and Denise were once again reunited, and Denise was no longer fighting this battle, seemingly alone.

Helen who did and continues to work in the organic and natural food business, was saddened that Denise had not confided in her earlier on her struggles. She was delighted with the thought that she may be able to help her ailing friend.

Upon hearing Denise's story it was clear to Helen that the only side effect that Helen's brief taking of Tamoxifen had was hair loss. Because of those two simple four letter words (hair loss) the past year for Denise and her family had turned into a roller coaster of spiraling downward turns.

After a very long in depth discussions with Helen, Denise decided to take her advice and begin taking Shen Min. Shen Min is an herbal product that has literally changed Denise's life. She discontinued Ariminex, and immediately felt a difference with her joints.She was then able to discontinue the use of Tramadol for joint pain, because she no longer suffered pain. She chose not to begin taking Femara, but instead decided to resume taking Tamoxifen, since other then hair loss there were no other side effects.

As Helen explained it to Denise, the Shen Min Advanced Formula for Women was actually extending her hairs growth phase, therefore reducing the amount of hairs that were in the resting and fallout phase. This herbal supplement had no side effect and the results were noticed within a month. It seemed like such a simple solution, yet Denise had suffered miserably for almost a year, by taking medications that lead to side effects without realizing that there are natural products that can be taken with conventional medication.

Helen's introducing Denise to Shen Min literally changed her life. She is doing very well on Tamoxifen with no side effects. Her hair loss is at an acceptable normal rate and she is now back to work full time. She is no longer on any pain medications and her marriage is becoming stronger and back on the right track.

Although, this cancer/hair loss story does get somewhat complicated, it is insightful. If Denise had known about Shen Min when she first started on Tamoxifen she would have spared herself months of suffering with severe joint pain because of the Ariminex. Although aromatase inhibitor Ariminex is side effect free for the majority of its prescribed patients, Denise's body for what ever reasons was unable to tolerate this medication.

The bottom line is that there is help for anyone who has unwanted hair loss. Shen Min has natural products consisting of capsules, topical formula's and even herbal shampoo's that can help hair loss in both men and women. If you or someone you know is suffering from hair loss, even if it is through genetics Shen Min just might be your answer to thinning hair.

Kimberly enjoys studying numerology,astrology,parapsychology and experimenting with herbal remedies. She has been a canine stylist for over 10 years. She is a strong advocate for pancreatic cancer research and helping people become aware of the torture that dogs endure in puppy mills. Stop puppy mills http://holisticdogandcat.blogspot.com

To review the Shen Min Hair Loss Products page http://shenminhair.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kimberly_Cierech

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Fight Like a Girl - Share Our Stories, Share Our Strengths

Traveling while working in Colorado this summer I got to renew my relationship with some high school friends. I was in Kris & Steve's wedding, we were inseparable in high school. Aside from yearly Christmas letter exchanges and a few reunion rendezvous back home in San Diego over the years, we were off living our own lives. I am questioning how that happens, that we become disconnected and also realizing that in the growing and changing, perhaps it is inevitable that we need to go in our own directions for a time. I am sensing another "book" just on this ebb and flow of relationships but won't diverge down that road right now. I had no idea at the time how the impact of what seemed like a chance connection, would continue to grow. We had a great couple of days spent catching up and feeling like there had not been this distance of some 20 years since our last face to face. Kris has always been, in my mind, an "akuna matada" kind of gal. I don't think she would argue with me in saying that she has always been easy going, content to be an Indian, never aspiring to be the chief. Don't be mislead, this is not say that she is or was a pushover, she's just... Kris. Fun, easy to be with, interesting and interested but not one that you'd find at the front of a picket line, she is a kind of anti-drama Queen, if you will. Kris was diagnosed with breast cancer several months ago and opted for a radical route; both breasts were removed. When a well meaning friend compassionately expressed her sorrow at her loss, Kris's attitude was a straight forward, resounding, "heck they served their use and there is something wrong with them, what do I want to hold onto them for?" We all do and say what we can. The community outreach has been astounding.

Both she and Steve have spent their working lives in the respective elementary school's where Steve is a Principal and Kris works in administration. Between their two schools, the organization of meal deliveries and support has and continues to be an awesome thing to behold. Karma at its best. They have given a lot to their community and it is being returned twofold. The numbers of women who have and are intimately involved with this "fight" seem to come out of the woodwork. This is a disease that is truly at epic proportions, simply mention the words, "breast cancer," and listen to the stories unfold.

This disease touches every single one of us. A good reason to stand at the front of some picket line, I am just not sure quite yet where that line is, but you can bet I 'll be the one up at the front when I find it. In the meantime, there is something we can all do. Please add www.thebreastcancersite.com to your favorites and click to give free mammograms. It is free, it is easy, make it a part of your daily routine. After her first chemotherapy session she called for a party to shave her head. Kris sent me "the photo" this week. She is calling herself "GI Kristina Jane." She takes my breath away. I cried until there were no tears left. I'd been slammed straight in the gut with the cold hard reality that my friend is un-deniably, no way around it, battling cancer. As I find my breath again I am so struck by her clear and present beauty. I want to say it is her eyes, or maybe her smile, her radiant face that is now un-obscured with hair and I know that's not it. It is simply her presence. And she is present, meeting this disease on her terms, with a tenacity that I would put up against Demi Moore's character of GI Jane any day.

The story goes; a daughter visits her mother, she is distraught with how her life is going, she is tired of fighting and struggling and is ready to give up. Her mother takes her into the kitchen and proceeds to fill three pots with water, placing them each on a high flame. As the pots come to a boil she places carrots in the first, eggs in the second and coffee beans in the last. Without saying a word they sit and watch them boil. After 20 minutes, her mother shuts the stove off. She fishes the carrots out and places them in a bowl. She does the same with the eggs and then ladles the coffee into its own bowl. She turns to her daughter and says "tell me what you see?" A little confused she says, "carrots, eggs and coffee." At this point, she brings the bowls closer to her, and asks her to "feel" the carrots, which she notes are soft. The mother then asks the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observes the hard-boiled egg.

Finally, the mother asks the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter, smiling as she tastes its rich aroma asks, "What does it mean, mother?" Her mother explains that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean? I am still finding my way in and out of that hot water and I stand in awe as I have the honor and the distinct privilege of witnessing my friend Kris, be the coffee, sharing her story in how she is "fighting like a girl", giving all she's got and then some. As women, we share our strengths when we share our stories, allowing others to stand on our shoulders.

Please add your voice by helping to provide free mammograms. It is free, its easy, add the breast cancer site to your favorites and make it a part of your daily routine, click to give free mammograms.


(c) copyright-Kimberlee Carter. All rights reserved worldwide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kimberlee_Carter

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