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Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Music of the Tube

It was early February, 2000 and while everybody else was getting ready for Valentine's Day, I was getting ready for a full battery of tests, including my first MRI. I was in a bit of a funk.

Earlier in the week, I got the reports from the pelvic ultrasound. The "lesions" they'd seen on the CT scan seemed to be cysts, but they weren't sure. One ovary was greatly enlarged by this "mass."

I had done a lot of research on the net and talked to my doctor and I knew this might be more cancer. Breast cancer and ovarian cancer often go hand in hand.

I was devastated. I had been feeling really good about making a great recovery from breast surgery, but now it looked like a hysterectomy might be in my future.

I moped around the house on Tuesday night, all of Wednesday and Wednesday night thinking about maybe having a whole new kind of cancer. I didn't even get dressed. Finally I found the strength to call the doctor and schedule more tests.

Thursday I was in a much better mood. I'd taken some action and scheduled the tests for Friday. Plus, I was thinking about all my friends who were there for me and praying for me. Life might not be good, but with friends and faith it usually doesn't stay too bad for too long.

By now I was used to tests so I wasn't nervous about most of them. They started Friday morning at 7:30, way before I usually even get up. The first test was the MRI. The prospect made me nervous.

I'm just a little bit claustrophobic, and the idea of being stuck inside a really small space was scary. But the staff did everything they could to make me comfortable.

They covered me with a blanket for warmth and gave me ear plugs for the noise they said I would hear. Then they gently pushed me into a narrow tube. The quick look I took showed about 5-6 inches of space between my face and the tube.

I kept my eyes shut most of the time!! One time though, I opened my eyes and found that it was light inside the tube. That helped. Don't ask me why, but I didn't really feel closed in.

Then the MRI started: Tap, tap, tap - like a drummer counting cadence on the rim of a snare drum. Then loud discordant sounds: sort of a doo-wop, doo-wop, doo-wop coupled with a low pitched busy signal.

This went on for what seemed like about 10 minutes. Slight pause, tap, tap, tap and different pitches of static like you get on a TV station after it goes off the air. I kept myself amused trying to imagine what tones would be next.

Then I was wheeled out, given a dye injection, and wheeled back in for "three more sets!" By then I was used to it and I got to see some of the pictures. They looked pretty to me, but I would have to wait until the following week for results.

So I set off for the rest of the day's tests, with one more thing I could check off life's list. I had my first MRI and survived by listening to the strange music of the tube.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deb_Haggerty

How To Prevent Breast Cancer With Co-Enzyme Q10

You will discover:

* What is co-enzyme Q10?

* Why taking co-enzyme Q10 helps to prevent breast cancer?

* How much co-enzyme Q10 to take to prevent breast cancer?

What Is Co-Enzyme Q10?

Co-enzyme Q10 is present in all your body cells; it is a vitamin like compound similar in structure to vitamin E and carotenoids.

Co-enzyme Q10 is also referred to as vitamin Q.

Co-enzyme Q10 is a potent antioxidant, just a vitamin E. It also helps with energy production within your body.

Foods which are rich in co-enzyme Q10 are:

* Green Vegetables

* Meat

* Wholegrain

* Nuts

* Fish

Co-enzyme Q10 can protect your body from free radical damage, this helps to reduce your chances of developing certain types of cancer.

Apart from protecting you against certain cancers, co-enzyme Q10 can also protect you from the following health conditions:

* Heart Disease

* Hypertension

* Atherosclerosis

* Raynaud’s Syndrome

Why Taking Co-Enzyme Q10 Helps To Prevent Breast Cancer?

Co-enzyme Q10 supplements can improve your immune system and protect you against certain cancers.

Studies by Professor Carl Folkers and Dr Knud Lockwood found that co-enzyme Q10 supplements significantly improved conditions of their breast cancer patients.

How Much Co-Enzyme Q10 to Take to Prevent Breast Cancer?

To help prevent breast cancer, doses of up to 300 mg per day of co-enzyme Q10 would be beneficial. Co-Enzyme Q10 is generally safe to take, but very high doses can cause nausea.

So, to sum up...

Co-Enzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant compound, which clinical trials have shown to protect against breast cancer.

It is best to take co-enzyme Q10 in a supplement form to benefit your health.

You should be able to buy co-enzyme Q10 supplements from your local health store.

Remember, before taking any supplements, you should always consult your doctor as some supplements can cause side-effects when taken with prescribe medicine.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stewart_Hare

Thursday, October 25, 2007

How To Prevent Breast Cancer With Selenium

In this article ‘how to prevent breast cancer with selenium’, you will discover:

* What is selenium?

* Why taking selenium helps to prevent breast cancer?
* How much selenium to take to prevent breast cancer?

What Is Selenium?

Selenium is an essential trace mineral which has antioxidant properties.

The following foods are rich in selenium:

* Broccoli

* Brazil Nuts

* Wheat Germ

* Tomatoes

* Bran

* Onions

* Tuna Fish

Apart from preventing certain types of cancer, selenium preforms other functions within your body.

It can…

* Improve your immune system

* Improve fertility in men

* Help to protect against inflammation of the thyroid gland

* Help to reduce menopausal problems in women

A deficiency in selenium can help to increase the risk of developing certain cancers.

Why Taking Selenium Helps To Prevent Breast Cancer?

The antioxidant selenium support your immune system, trials have shown that by taking selenium supplements, you can reduce the chances of developing certain cancers.

In one study, women who took selenium supplements reduced their breast cancer by fifty per cent.

How Much Selenium To Take to Prevent Breast Cancer?

To help prevent breast cancer, you need to take 200mcg per day of selenium in a supplement form.

This was a daily dose in the breast cancer study previously mentioned.

Warning: Taking selenium doses over 800 mcg can cause:

* Dizziness

* Nausea

* Hair Loss

* Skin Rash

* Nervous System Problems

So, to sum up...

To help prevent breast cancer, you can include foods which are rich in selenium within your diet or supplement your diet with selenium supplements.

Clinical trials have shown that the antioxidant selenium can help to protect you from certain cancers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stewart_Hare

How To Prevent Breast Cancer By Diet – Eat Soya

In this article, you will discover:

* What is soya?
* Why is soya vital in the prevent breast cancer diet?

What Is Soya?

Soya (soy) is a pulse; it contains healthy amino acids and is a high quality source of protein.

Soya is an important ingredient in Asian cuisine; this may be one reason why certain cancers are less in Asian countries compare to western countries.

Soya contains many beneficial health compounds such as isoflavones.

One particular isoflavone is genistein, this helps to protect against different forms of cancers.

Why Is Soya Vital In The Prevent Breast Cancer Diet?

Genistein can help to slow down and stop the growth of cancer cells.

Various studies have shown that people who consume large amounts of soya products within their diets, results in them having higher levels of genistein within their blood.

This can help to protect and slow down the growth of:

* Breast Cancer
* Prostate Cancer
* Colon Cancer
* Leukaemia

In Asian countries such as Japan, where the consumption of soya products is generally higher than western countries, there is a lower incidence of breast cancer.

So, to sum up...

Soya is a vital part in the prevent breast cancer diet because studies have shown that Soya can help to protect against cancer, especially breast cancer.

In Asian countries such as Japan, where soya products are part of the staple diet, there is a lower incidence of breast cancer compared to western countries.

This is believed to be due to the beneficial isoflavones within soya, especially genistein.

If you want to consume soya to protect yourself against breast cancer, it is best to include soya products, such as tofu, within your diet.

Scientists believe that consuming soya products will give you more protection against cancer, compared to just supplementing your diet with isoflavones supplements.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stewart_Hare

How To Prevent Breast Cancer By Diet – Eat Fibre

In this article, you will discover:

* What is fibre?
* Why is fibre vital in the prevent breast cancer diet?

What Is Fibre?

All foods, which you consume, which are derived from plants contain fibre, typically:

* Cellulose
* Hemicellulose
* Lignin
* Pectins
* Gums

This fibre is passed undigested through your small intestines.

The following foods are good sources of fibre:

* Vegetables
* Fruits
* Pulses
* Nuts
* Seeds
* Cereals

Research has shown that a high fibre diet can reduce the development of certain health conditions, one being breast cancer.

Why Is Fibre Vital In The Prevent Breast Cancer Diet?

Including high amounts of fibre is vital in the prevent breast cancer diet because research has shown that insoluble fibre from whole grains, such as those present in wholegrain bread, can delay the development of breast cancer in animals.

Other studies have found that this also relates to people, women who consume a lot of whole grains are less likely to develop breast cancer, especially young women.

It is thought that young women, whose diet is high in whole grains, are less likely to develop breast cancer than older women.

This is because fibre lowers oestrogen levels in premenopausal women, but not in postmenopausal women.

Apart from lowering oestrogen, the substances phytate and isoflavones present in fibre are believed to protect against breast cancer.

So, to sum up...

Including high amounts of fibre within your diet is a good idea to prevent breast cancer.

Breast cancer in postmenopausal women is known to be partly caused by estrogen, fibre is known to help the body removed and lower high amounts of estrogen.

To prevent breast cancer, it is best to have a high fibre and low fat diet. This is why vegetarians are less likely to develop breast cancer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stewart_Hare