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Monday, September 15, 2008

Genetic Testing of Breast Cancer - BRCA1 and BRCA2

If you are concerned about familial breast cancer, the first step is to talk things over with your GP or Genetic Counsellor.

You will be asked about your family history and ethnic background, as well as any blood relatives, on either side of your family, who have had breast or related cancers.

If a faulty breast cancer gene has already been identified in a family member, you may be referred directly to a specialist genetic service.

Once your GP or Genetic Counsellor has taken a full family history, your risk of developing breast cancer can be assessed.

Most women will be at no greater risk than any other woman.

If this is the case your counsellor should discuss this with you and provide you with some written information on being breast aware and lifestyle risks.

However, if you develop any breast changes or if your family history or circumstances alter, it is important to go back and see your GP.

An increased risk

A small number of women may be viewed as having a greater risk of developing breast cancer on the grounds of a strong family history.

If this applies to you, you will be classified as having one of the following:

• a moderate risk
• a high risk.

You will then be referred to either a family history clinic or a specialist in cancer genetics. The type of care you receive will be depending on your risk level.


Depending on your age, you may be offered a mammogram.

Women between the ages of 40 and 49 will normally be offered annual mammograms.

However, it is currently unclear how effective mammograms are in detecting breast cancer early in women at increased risk - clinical studies are currently researching this issue.

Because of this, women aged 30 to 39 will be offered mammograms only as part of a research study rather than as a matter of routine.

Women under the age of 30 are unlikely to be offered mammograms, as younger women's breast tissue is too dense to produce a clear mammogram picture.

Genetic counselling

If you are considered to be at high risk of developing breast cancer you will be offered specialist genetic counselling.

This will give you more information about your family history, how your lifestyle may affect you, what having a genetic test means, and the options available to you if you choose to go ahead with the test.

You may feel anxious about finding out about your risk of developing breast cancer, but remember that your counsellor is trained to deal with these issues.


The test (Screening of BRCA1 and BRCA2) is done by Eastern Biotech & Life Sciences, Dubai on a blood sample from a living relative who has already developed breast or ovarian cancer.

The results can take many months to complete, as it is technically very difficult to identify the faulty gene.

If it is found that you do carry the faulty gene, although you will not necessarily develop breast cancer, you do have a higher risk of doing so.

In Ashkenazi Jewish women, specialists already know that there are three specific gene faults in a large proportion of the families where breast and ovarian cancer is common.

This means that testing may be offered to relatives at high risk without needing to carry out the gene search.

Pankaj Sohaney is working as Manager in Eastern Biotech & life Sciences, UAE and involved in Genetic Testing for various disease.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pankaj_Sohaney


Cathy Goodman Willed Cancer Out of Her Body Using the Secret

Cathy's story is one that could be considered beyond uplifting or inspirational -it is an out-right miracle! If you log on to her spouses website (Morris E. Goodman) at themiracleman.org you will see that before she received the blessing of Healing in her own life -she herself was the spectacular miracle in Morris' life after he recovered from a plane crash that left no hope for restoring his beaten and broken body from the paralysis and internal injuries that accident left him with. She and Morris were married on November 10th 1990 and little did they know at that time that Morris' story of positive and forward thinking would some day be re-awakened and prove invaluable in Cathy's life as well.

As told by Cathy she was diagnosed with breast cancer and her response was to go home and NOT think about the illness at all. She states in the movie The Secret that instead of concentrating on the cancer she put her attention elsewhere and that she truly believed in her heart with her strong faith that we had already been healed and that in her mind she saw herself as if cancer had never been in her body to begin with. She tells how she would walk around the house saying out loud "Thank you for my healing" over and over again. As she continues her story she explains to viewers that she and her husband would only watch funny movies because they believed that laughter would be an important part of her recovery and if she was laughing she wasn't thinking about anything to do with the diagnosis.

In just 3 short months Cathy got the word that the cancer was gone. The miracle here is that Cathy had decided early on not to take the conventional route and so this healing took place without any radiation or chemotherapy whatsoever! By sheer mind power and force of will Cathy was able to put the cancer behind her. Because her husband was able to heal himself from the massive injuries that the doctors believed would take his life Cathy knew first hand the valuable instrument the mind itself can play on the body and its own ability to heal itself. Because she accepted it for truth -her thoughts were able to work in harmony with her immune system and rid the cancer from her body entirely.

Cathy and her husband Morris are great examples of the old adage "Mind over matter!" After all what else sustains our current sense of reality if it is not our mindset? Isn't it in the mind that we control the power over our own circumstances? Can we be hurt by someone's unkind words without first accepting in our mind to perceive the insult as "personal" if it isn't taken as a personal blow to our character how can we accept it as an insult? Until we welcome something can it really be real? These are the kind of insightful ideas a movie like The Secret is meant to provoke. It gives value and merit to opening ones mind and looking outside the confines of our ordinary day to day approach as well as our normal take on the world.

All in all, if nothing else, we can begin to at least consider what an invaluable asset the mind can be. More importantly still, we can evaluate the benefits of learning how to live in harmony with our thoughts in order to live a happier, healthier existence. What (or who) would that hurt...I'd wager on it hurting no one -and if that alone resulted in a peaceful resolve -maybe eventually somewhere down the line we could look at getting along with everyone around us as an option to entertain in our minds as well! Now what could (or would) that thought mean to the entire planet in the end? Cathy herself probably has a lot to say on these issues -I'd be willing to bet on it!

Karen Giardunio is an Internet Expert Author in the area of Internet/Network Marketing & Personal Development. She's mastered Free Forms of Traffic Generation Online and learned form some of the best Internet Gurus smart ways to get to the top of the search engines without spending any money. She earns multiple streams of income using a completely FREE Marketing System that pays her to simply refer people to free community sites online. Go to http://thespiderwebsystem.com/affluencenow to join!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Giardunio


DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy - Why the Hype and Finding a DIEP Flap Surgeon

If you are a woman facing mastectomy you have a decision to make: do you want breast reconstruction? If the answer is "yes", plastic surgery holds the key. Although reconstruction cannot replace the breast(s) you were born with or allow you to breastfeed, it can restore your natural silhouette and make you feel "whole" again following mastectomy.

Depending on your health, breast reconstruction can be performed immediately after your mastectomy surgery so you can wake up with new breasts already in place. While the cosmetic results with immediate reconstruction are generally superior, breast reconstruction can also be performed at a later time once the cancer treatment has been completed ("delayed reconstruction").

The DIEP procedure is today's gold standard in mastectomy reconstruction. Advances in breast reconstruction have made it possible to use excess skin and fat from the abdomen (rather like the tissue removed during a tummy tuck) to construct a new breast without the need for implants or the sacrifice of abdominal muscle. This procedure, known as the Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) flap, is a sophisticated modification of an existing procedure known as the TRAM (Transverse Rectus Abdominus Myocutaneous) flap.

TRAM flap surgery is a common breast reconstruction technique that requires the rectus abdominus (sit-up) muscle to be sacrificed and relocated to the upper abdomen. Unfortunately, this technique can be associated with significant post-operative pain, prolonged recovery, loss of abdominal muscle strength (up to 20%), abdominal bulging (or "pooching"), and even abdominal hernia.

DIEP flap surgery is similar to TRAM flap surgery but spares the rectus abdominus muscle. SKIN AND FAT ONLY are removed from the abdomen, transplanted to the chest and connected using microsurgery to create the new breast. NO MUSCLE is sacrificed. As the sit-up muscle is left behind in its natural place many of the above complications are avoided and the patient essentially receives a tummy tuck at the same time as the breast reconstruction. There also tends to be far less pain following the DIEP procedure, and a quicker recovery time.

Knowing the significant advantages of the DIEP flap it is easy to understand the reason for all the hype, especially for active individuals who don't want to sacrifice the strength of their abdomen. A breast that has been reconstructed with fat and skin will also look and feel more natural than an implant reconstruction and will last longer. Unlike an implant, the reconstructed breast also ages like a natural breast.

As with all types of breast reconstruction however, 2 or 3 procedures performed a few months apart are often required to complete the reconstruction process and to obtain the best cosmetic result. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the DIEP procedure very few centers in the US perform the surgery so many patients will have to travel for the procedure. The good news is that many of these specialist centers will accommodate out-of-state and even international patients.

To learn if a breast center or plastic surgeon near you offers this advanced form of microsurgical breast reconstruction, please check the following websites:


and www.breastrecon.com

The lists on these websites seem fairly thorough but there are plastic surgeons out there who perform DIEP breast reconstruction that have not made the lists (for whatever reason). Having said that, currently there are only about 40 plastic surgeons in the US that routinely perform the DIEP flap procedure. Before choosing a plastic surgeon ensure that he/she is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has extensive experience with the procedure. Ask about the success rate of the procedure in their hands (most specialists boast a flap survival rate of at least 97%) and how many DIEP flaps they have performed.

Insurance companies are federally mandated to pay for the cost of breast reconstruction. Unfortunately, some patients will still face difficulties in gaining access to a DIEP flap surgeon and the procedure. Here again it pays to seek out plastic surgeons who specialize in the procedure as typically insurance specialists are available to help patients with insurance issues.

Minas T Chrysopoulo, MD.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Microsurgical Associates (PRMA),
9635 Huebner Road,
San Antonio, TX 78240.
Tel: (210) 692-1181,
Toll Free: (800) 692-5565.
Dr Chrysopoulo is board certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and specializes in DIEP flap reconstruction surgery after mastectomy for breast cancer. He and his partners perform over 300 microsurgical breast reconstructions with perforator flaps each year.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Minas_Chrysopoulo,_MD
