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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Breast Cancer: Examining The Facts

Breast cancer is one of the most common life-threatening diseases among women. The risk of acquiring breast cancer increases with age. It is hard to detect the early symptoms of breast cancer, which is why it is important for women to have regular mammogram screenings as well as learn how to properly perform breast self-exams. Here are some other facts you need to know about breast cancer.

. Breast Cancer In Men - although more common among women, men can get breast cancer too. Cases among males tend to be even more fatal because the symptoms are usually ignored. Breast cancer in men makes up only 1% of all breast cancer cases right now, but this risk is a growing one. If you know of a male family member or friend who suspects that he has breast cancer, advise them to check with their doctor as soon as possible.

. Do injuries to the breast cause cancer? Injuries may cause blood to build up under the affected skin area, which might end up feeling like a lump. But these usually heal over time and are not known to cause breast cancer.

. Can I still have mammograms after having breast implants? - Yes. There is nothing wrong with having mammograms even if you have breast implants. In fact, it is recommended that you still continue with your regular check - ups. You should however, notify your doctor or your medical technician first that you have breast implants. This will allow them to use special techniques suited to your condition.

. Is pain in the breast always a sure sign that I might have breast cancer? - No. Several other things may cause pain in the breast. The pain might be related to your monthly period, or birth control pills if you've been taking any. Hormone replacement therapy and even weight gain could cause your breasts to feel an aching sensation. Or perhaps it could be something as simple as wearing the wrong bra size. Take note on how long or how frequently you experience the pain. Try to find out what causes the pain or what makes it go away. If you still feel that something is not right, check with your doctor.

. What about lumps? - Not all lumps are cancerous. Most of these growths are benign and can be taken out with surgery. But it is very important for you to immediately see your physician if you discover any odd growths on your breasts.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women and some of the most important risk factors of breast cancer (such as having a family history of the disease) are out of your control. There is something you can do about it though -- and that is to keep yourself educated and to be sensitive to the changes in your body as you get older. Breast cancer is something that you can fight. Keep yourself informed on breast cancer prevention and follow the guidelines. These are very simple measures that just might save your life.

5-Steps to Breast Cancer Free

We believed that things in life were predestined and we would accept the fate of our life when some tragic incidents happened upon us. But once we were able to reconcile with our love and pain, therefore we would able to create wisdom to face any predicament with less anxiety and depression. The solution is simple - 5-Steps to Breast cancer free!

Achieving the goals are simply are simply if you put your faith on this 5-Steps to Breast cancer free.

1. Start a healthy diet - start your meals by including cancer-fighting vegetables such as broccoli, salads, coleslaws & flax seeds. This doesn't imply that you should be a Vegan and you could still able to eat poultry or red meats moderately. With all due respect, avoid eating fast foods - especially fried & barbecued foods. Drink water frequently as it is able to cleanse toxins away from our body. Green tea is also a suitable and pleasant drink as well.

2. Start a healthy lifestyle - Workout in gym or in our house is a must in keeping your body fit and healthy. If you do not like strenuous exercises, you could practice Qigong or Taichi. Statistics have proven that these two type of Chinese meditations increase the probability of curing breast cancer. Having adequate sleep is necessary for health and survival. A fresh and sharp mind are needed to shape positive attitude towards good health.

3. Socialize more - having leisure with family and friends is essential of improving interpersonal relationship. You will feel better when you console problems with your closest family or friends. Control yourself from bad influences such as smoking and excessive alcohols.

4. Learn to communicate with your personal Dr. or psychiatrist - Educate yourself with medical terms and information in order to understand your ailment. Don't be shy to ask questions during consultation with your doctor. If you have severe depression and anxiety, seek treatment from psychiatrist. For your information, being healthy comprises healthy body, mind and soul.

5. Write & Blog - Start a habit of writing journals today. Writing is a best way to express your thoughts and emotions. By writing journals, you will review past incidents easier in order to set further achievable goals. There are a lot of blog hostings available via internet. Blogging is a good way to write journals as it is the best communication tool of sharing your updates to the whole world. It is also reflects the importance of life that we should live our life to the fullest.

Keep track with this basic steps that will lead you a better tomorrow! Bear you mind about this basic steps that will change your destiny - Knowing that you can change your perception will allow you a sense of empowerment, which increases your sense of responsibility for your perception.

10 Home Remedies for Chemothery Side Effects

This is my second "go round" with cancer and chemoptherapy, this time I'm much more educated in helping myself deal with side effects and would like to pass my remedies on to others.

Chemotherapy affects the stomach in a very devastating manner from the top to the bottom and though the prescribed Katrill was a life saver, it doesn't do it "all". Here are a few home remedies your oncologist will not tell you about...he's busy with the chemical aspect of treating the disease and not much into home remedies....I am!

1. Ginger
Ginger has long been known as an anti-nausea agent....I used fresh ginger, sliced it up thinly and put it in the freezer. I would put a few slices from the freezer into a cup of hot water and sip it as tea. I was surprised to read that they have a clinical trial going on using ginger in capsule form to treat nausea in chemo patients...worked for me!

2. Aloe
Aloe is another soothing agent to the stomach and intestinal tract and aloe water is tasteless and can be found in any supermarket in the produce department. It's inexpensive and helpful...I personally know a man that cured himself of bleeding ulcers with aloe juice, his doctor was amazed.

3. White food
Now for eating....I read many years ago that eating "white food" was a good idea as most white food doesn't have a strong smell or strong taste....I can't say that it worked for me but it could work for you. I'm a believer in organic food and foods made from scratch....we have enough chemicals racing around our body, we don't need more. You might want to check out the "Budwig Diet" on the internet.

4. Baldness
Your oncologist will tell you if you will lose your hair....for me it was somewhat of a blessing, not having to shave my legs, no blow drying etc. Cut your hair very short and once it starts falling out, shave it! The American Cancer Society will give you wigs free of cost....I prefer my baldness as I live in Florida and I also have a nicely shaped head. My eyebrow are very sparse and rather than pencil them in, I use eye shadow that I apply with a brush....it's more natural looking.

5. Attitude
Should you experience depression...fight it, talk to yourself, convince yourself that depression will not help you and imagine yourself healthy again....and smile as you talk to yourself...I don't know why, but it works.

6. Acupuncture
I went to an acupuncturist during my first experience with cancer....it helped so much with the horrendous headaches and the nausea. I don't know why I didn't do it through this battle.

7. Water
Drinking water is of the utmost importance and I'm sure your doctor will tell you that, but he doesn't tell you to drink mineralized water which will put your body in an alkaline state...for more info on this subject you can e-mail me at donnaparra595@bellsouth.net

8. Exercise
DO NOT let yourself become a couch potato....even if you must force yourself to walk around the block, it will be helpful. Somedays you must force yourself to put one foot in front of the other....but do it. Exercise helps your body, but it also helps your mind. You will feel good about yourself and proud.

9. Grooming
Keeping yourself well-groomed can be an effort on some days, but it's a must! I found on the days I HAD to go out and groom myself with make-up etc....something magical happened and I'd feel better....the effort was great but well worth it......I try and do that everyday now. I mean beyond taking a shower and brushing my teeth.

10. Power of Prayer
I think one of the most important remedies is prayer....it has such power and has gotten me through some really rough times. I don't know how it works, IT WORKS.

Oops! Forgot something.....dealing with constipation. I hate the thickness of prune juice and read on the internet to combat that... put dried prunes in a cup, pour boiling water over them... drink the liquid while warm and then eat the prunes. One woman told me her nurse told her to add a bit of butter to it... I chose to pass on that one but the woman found it quite effective. Flaxseed is also quite effective and you can add them to your cereal or mix them in a salad or just eat a teaspoonful... of course, taking laxatives work but they are not a good idea unless it's an emergency as your body will come dependent of them.

Good luck to all you "warriors" and I hope that I've helped you in your battle... it's a tough battle but it can be won... keep positive... it's the attitude that will get you through this... fight on and beat it!

Radiation Burn Treatment with Blue Yarrow Oil

Yarrow's high azulen content (which gives it its powerful anti-inflammatory action) is even higher than German Chamomile! Azulen also gives Yarrow anti-infectious properties for treating infections.

Yarrow's astringent and regulating properties make it helpful for balancing oily skin, hair and scalp condtions.

Yarrow is useful for hair and skin care and stimulates "new" hair growth. Add to your favorite shampoo for promoting a healthy scalp and to strengthen the hair shaft. Effective treatment for split ends!

Properties in Yarrow make it useful for calming inflamed skin.

Blend Blue Yarrow with Basil to treat acne, or alone to relieve skin rashes and an assortment of skin irritations, including eczema, psoriasis and seborrhea.

REMEMBER TO DILUTE: Always dilute pure essential oils for skin application. The general guideline for an adult is 15 drops of pure essential oil in an ounce of the carrier of your choice like pure jojoba oil, or pure fresh water if using as an aromatic mist!

All the blue oils (Yarrow, Blue Tansy and Chamomile) help to relieve burns associated with radiation treatment for cancer.

RADIATION BURN TREATMENT Aromatic Mist: Fill a 2 oz atomizer colored glass bottle with pure, fresh water. Add 2-8 drops each of pure essential oil of Yarrow, Blue Tansy and German (True) Chamomile. Allow this mixture to synergize for a minimum of 2-3 hours. Shake and spray a very light mist across the radiation burn area. Allow the skin to dry thoroughly before covering. Repeat misting burn areas 3-4 times each day, or as needed for pain relief and to speed healing of skin cell tissue!

Experiment with using a minimal amount of pure essential oil to begin with, slowly adding more oil until you reach the exact dilution amount that's right for you!

OPTIONAL: Add 2-7 drops of pure Helichrysum oil to your atomizer misting bottle to enhance the basic radiation burn treatment formula.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

Facts on Breast Cancer

Women of all ethnic backgrounds are afflicted by breast cancer. Last year, over 212.000 women in the U.S. were diagnosed with breast cancer. Each year, over 40,000 American women die of complications related to the disease.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK - the disease is diagnosed in 42,000 women every year.

The chance of a woman developing breast cancer increases as she gets older. The risk factors include age, family history, early periods, late menopause, hormonal factors, not having children, drinking too much, obesity and inactivity.

The risk of breast cancer is especially high for women age 60 and older. It is rare in women younger than age 35.

Many large studies have documented the benefit of mammography in the early detection of breast cancer. On average, mammograms will detect 80% to 90% asymptomatic breast cancer.

Women should have positive lifestyle choices in order to decrease the risk factors of breast cancer. Every woman should pay attention to the following factors:

- Decrease daily fat intake, limit red meat and eat leaner meats.

- Increase fiber in the daily diet. Eat more whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits.

- Limit alcohol because there is evidence that women who have 2 or more drinks per day have a small increase in breast cancer risk.

- Be active. Include moderate amount of physical activity (for example taking a brisk, 30-minute walk) on most days of the week.

- Maintain the healthy body weight suggested by a health professional.

- Stop smoking. Although smoking does not cause breast cancer, other cancers may spread to the breast.

Diet Basics for Breast Cancer Patients

Feeling frustrated about your daily diet after you've been diagnosed with breast cancer?

Do you need to change your daily diet?

These are the common questions whether you want to stay healthy as breast cancer patients need more time and effort to be curbed. We still need food to survive but once we're eating the 'wrong' food in daily basis - it could worsen your body condition. It's important to educate yourself with the right information about proper food consumption to comfort our body well-beingness. It's a step closer to increase the probablilty of health-recovering - all this matters as long you're willing to make a change!

Basically, vegetables like garlic, broccoli and crucifiers are the main diets for cancer patients.

Garlic - though it has a strong pungent smell that makes people avoid eating it. But consuming garlic in a moderate amount will assist us to battle cancer. Some people prefer have it oudourless as in the form of tablets (supplements) but I strongly suggest that breast cancer patients eat raw garlics. Particullarly, in a chinese restaurant, garlics used as a complementary ingredients especially in stir-fried foods.

Broccoli - Everyone has an eclectic tasted in broccoli - but it has to be raw! If you do not like raw broccoli, you can try to simmer it in boiled water for few minutes. Broccoli is best when it is served with mayonaise or tar-tar sauce.

Crucifiers - such as salads and coleslaws. These are considered as low fat diet and it contains anti-carcinogenic glucosinolates and myrosinase enzymes. It has the ability to boost our ability to detoxify or cleanse harmful compounds and eventually protect us from cancer.

Tomatoes - it contain lycopene which is an antioxidant and it is easily absorbed by the body to inhibit tumour-producing cells once tomatoes are made into juice, paste and sauce. It is also believed that tomatoes are able to prevent us from stroke and heart diseases.

Other than these cancer-fighting vegetables, flax seeds that contain antioxidant compund such as lignan which supplies fibre. It has the great potential to fight cancer especially in the role of prevention of breast cancer. Mostly foods that contain flax seed are bread, cereal and bakery goods. The purpose of including flax seeds in your daily diet is to avoid constipation. A normal and regular excreation will actually detoxify harmful compounds including waste materials from our body.

As we know that having balanced and suitable diet alone is couldn't guarantee breast cancer patients to have full recovery. It must be complementary with healthy lifestyle - avoid smoking and consuming alcohols. Good practice of loving your body and soul boost positive thinking among breast cancer individuals to be more optimistic.